Case Studies on Employee Level


Management consultant wants to
increase work-life balance and energy

  • 39 years old management consultant, married, 1 daughter

  • 60 – 65h of work a week

  • Lack of energy, drinks lots of coffee that leads to bad sleep

  • Excelling at work, failing at “life”

  • Did sport boot camps but hurt himself with this approach


  • More energy also without coffee

  • Balanced life to be able to put more energy into his family life



  • Recorded average workday day incl. food and coffee intake

  • Identified diet and order of food intake as root problem

  • Daily nutrition advice via SMS. E.g. buy healthy snacks at supermarket close by or change his breakfast (white bread and jam) to oatmeal, fruits and nuts, reducing the need for coffee

  • Dedicated 30 – 40 min. time for midday meal

  • Helped schedule 2h sports a week & helped find the right sport

After 3 weeks


  • Reduced coffee intake from 10 – 12 cups a day to 3 cups which lead to better sleep; from 4 – 6h to 7 – 8h of sleep a night

  • Energy levels were up, even started 1x a week Pilates

After 9 weeks


  • Stopped drinking coffee and used mate tea for caffeine kick

  • Increased work quality and focus led to less work hours needed. Had time for family

  • Energy level felt like being mid 20 again


Programmer wants to
lose weight

  • Programmer at Google, 23 years old

  • Obese since childhood


Simply to “get in shape” and stay motivated
to make changes on his own. Benefit in the long run rather than having one more “diet”


  • Daily Nutritional guidance on what nutrition was suitable to reach his goals

  • Daily check-ins on weight in the morning. Ensured accountability and motivation

  • 40 min workouts before work or after work with full-body exercises

After 3 weeks

  • Lost 6 pounds and got better at making meal choices

  • Energy levels through the roof! Decided to join a group that trained and raced on the “erg” rowing machine

After 9 weeks

He couldn’t believe that for the first time in his life he could look down and see his feet :) He had lost 20 pounds and even got promoted at work


Working mom
Slept only 3h a night - close to burnout

arbeitende mom.png


  • 43, mother of 2, newly divorced

  • Worked full-time in a fast paced environment

  • Slept only 3h a night.

  • Often “calmed down” after a long day
    with wine and overeating
    , resulting in
    consistent weight gain and low energy


  • Get more sleep in

  • Lose weight naturally (without sports) and keep it off and increase energy levels


  • Worked with a psychologist

  • Learned coping mechanisms to deal with daily stress triggers

  • Daily reinforcement of calming exercises and eating habits. A combination of meditation & yoga during the week. This kept her from using food as a “tool” to relax

  • Support throughout the meals in her day through daily feedback via WhatsApp regarding food choices

  • Later on; daily monitoring of progress of her weight reduction

After 3 weeks

  • Could increase sleep to 5h a night

  • Lost 4 kilograms by leaving out half of the wine
    at first in the evenings and replacing snacks with
    such as an evening walks or meditation

After 9 weeks

  • Learned to “say no” to projects at work she cannot handle on top

  • Lost another 7 kg and began jogging on her own with her dogs

  • Felt energetic and healthy again

  • Hormone levels back to normal according to her doctor


Physician  wants to
gain energy and stamina for work and look fitter



  • 50 year old male physician

  • Thin, little muscle-mass

  • Little 'beer-gut’


  • Get stronger and look fitter (e.g. manage 10 pull-ups)

  • Better focus and stamina at work


Strategic nutritional and strength coaching with a strict focus on achieving good sleeping habits

After 3 weeks

Went from not being able to do any, to 2 pull-ups without assistance and lost 2 kilograms!

After 9 weeks

  • Did not get tired anymore during long surgeries and still had energy after work to do other activities

  • Transformed into a confident fit man who managed to do 15 pull-ups in a row


Young Sales Representative wants to
reach specific fitness goal

  • 27 year old male

  • Avid jogger


  • “Feel" what it is like to really race and not just jog for 10 km

  • Take 5 minutes off his 10 km time off 50 min. & run efficiently


  • Corrective running technique program using zero-drop shoes and stability training

  • Incorporated interval training using Fartlek variations

  • Changed diet to incorporate 20% more carbohydrates

After 3 weeks

  • Running technique completely changed, running felt „light“

  • Shaved off 2 min of his 5km time to 22 min

  • He also dropped some body fat which he was proud of

After 9 weeks

  • Further improvement of running technique

  • Improved sleeping habits which increased overall energy level

  • Reached 43 min time for his 10 km goal race


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