Sammy Gebele

Sammy Gebele

Sammy Gebele has over 12 years' worth of experience in effecting company change. His experience as a management consultant and interims manager informs his knowledge of what it means to work hard and meet your limits. He practices triathlon, liaising with a remote coach weekly. His desire for companies to acknowledge employees as humans and invest in their wellness spurred him on to found SACOSA.


Levente Fulop

Levente Fulop

Levente Fulop has over 20 years of experience in coaching and leading coaches. He selects, trains and monitors our coaches and ensures the success of SACOSA on an employee level.

In 2017 that spark was re-lit during a conversation between Levente and Sammy. Levente was leading a high-end fitness studio at that time and Sammy saw the benefit of being coached, as he himself receives coaching since 2015. Together they had the idea of giving employees more power through a new way of coaching.

“So we put together our know how to create a solution that each high performing company should have at their disposal. Creating a coaching service that helps employees perform at their best by focusing on their individual needs and helping them reach their goals. Just imagine having your employees at peak power, what your company could achieve!”